Hemp in Limbo


Youth of the Peace Corps Trainees Holding a Limbo Contest, August 29, 1966


Hemp in Limbo

I thought with harvest season approaching and the Dep crews already started, some good old hemp games are needed for the first fruit bonfire!

Our first harvest game is described in Latin as the ‘edge or boundary, referring to the “edge” of Hell’!  The Limbo!

First things first, save a stalk with a straight branch during harvest for the hemp bar.  A hemp rope can be substituted in lieu of an epic burning man type hemp bar of artistic value, challenge?

Sitting around the first fruit fire, just whip out the hemp bar.  Only thing left is how low can she go!

Hoping everyone a happy, healthy, safe harvest, take care.

And as Always, Pictures or it didn’t happen…

Limbo Party – Ivy Pete and His Limbomaniacs, 1962