Grapes of Wrath

Capt. Rufus D. Pettit’s Battery B, 1st New York Light Artillery, taken during McClellan’s Peninsula Campaign in Fort Richardson, Fair Oaks, Virginia 1862 Grapes of Wrath At the height of battle when all seemed lost facing an overwhelming advancing force, Read More …

Opium Capital Punishment, 1937

‘Three Chinese men about to be executed because their opium rehabilitation in prison hasn’t had any effect’  Beijing, China 1937  

America’s Canine Cosmonaut, 1907

“A dog weighing 25 pounds received an injection of two ounces of an active U.S.P. Fluid extract in the jugular vein with the expectation that it would certainly be sufficient to produce death…” -A 1907 study ‘A Pharmacological study of Read More …