Christmas Eve Hemp Carol

Christmas Eve Hemp Carol

In many hemp growing regions of Europe it was very bad luck for the women to spin or work on their hemp starting Christmas Eve and lasting until “Distaff Day” (January 7)…

Much like in my earlier story about the ‘Original Cannabis Caroler’s of Christmas Eve’ that can be read here , on Christmas Eve a babies outfit of hemp would be sewn for the newly born messiah…

Of course we find the hemp tradition in a old Christmas carol from Nice, France.


Christmas Carol of the small distaff

I spun during seven years,
In the moonlight.
In the moonlight.
I have never spun that much,
I never make my fortune.
Traderiderena, Traderidera

I spun during seven years,
Close to my mother.
Close to my mother.
Thin thread we were spinning,
For my lover.
Traderiderena, Traderidera

I will spin as much,
For our Messiah.
For our Messiah.
A skein of thread,
To make him a shirt.
Traderiderena, Traderidera

Fécamp Psalter – Man sowing hemp while woman spins it.  Unknown Miniaturist, Normandy, France  1180’s