Medicated Marshmellow Treats Recipe

Medicated Marshmellow Treats


These classic marshmallow cereal treats are simple to make and easy to medicate.  The recipe can be made with many types of cereals including the original Rice Crispy’s, today I’m using Captain Crunch & Berries.  I again use my medicated coconut oil, my recipe can be found here.  Hope you enjoy!



Ingredients –

1 1/2 -10oz bags mini marshmallow’s
1-box cereal (I’m using Crunch Berries here)
1/4  Cup- Medicated Coconut Oil



1. Add 1 10oz bag marshmallows to a microwave bowl and add Coconut oil. toss to coat

2. Heat marshmallow’s in the microwave for 45 seconds, stir and heat for additional 30-40 seconds.

3.  Add Half the box of cereal to the melted marshmallow’s and coat well.

4. Add the remaining cereal and mix well.  Next add 1/2 a 10oz bag of unmelted marshmallow’s and mix again.

5. Pour mixture into wax or parchment paper lined 9 x 13 dish, distribute equally.

6. Refrigerate for about 1hr and cut.  I usually cut into 30 treats for a nice dose on each piece.








1. Add 1 10oz bag marshmallows to a microwave bowl and add Coconut oil. toss to coat




2. Heat marshmallow’s in the microwave for 45 seconds, stir and heat for additional 30-40 seconds.


3.  Add Half the box of cereal to the melted marshmallow’s and coat well.




4. Add the remaining cereal and mix well.  Next add 1/2 a 10oz bag of unmelted marshmallow’s and mix again.




5. Pour mixture into wax or parchment paper lined 9 x 13 dish, distribute equally.




6. Refrigerate for about 1hr and cut.  I usually cut into 30 treats for a nice dose on each piece.