Mechanix get High, 1949

“Now a third smoke … a fourth. This time my hands feel huge, my feet miles away. I’m afraid to step out of the chair. A small downward step is like a deep plunge into a dark abyss.

That’s the danger point. I wish I could stop smoking, but I can’t. Suddenly I feel I’m soaring around the room. I spot a small vase and plunge into it. I swim around. Then I’m choking and frantically fight my way up for air. Finally I crawl out, gasping.”

-Authors quote from Mechanix Illustrated: Apr, 1949

Mechanix get High

Funny reefer madness type article from 1949 in April’s ‘Mechanix Illustrated’.


I love the term “Tea Pad” referring to a smoke friendly house… Fun read from this floating lily…

Mechanix Illustrated: Apr, 1949



Hot Rod movie Riot Scene

‘It started off super positive then it just got crazy’…